Saturday, February 13, 2010

Barbie, Ken ...... and Teresa???

OK, so I admit that I look nothing like either of these Teresa dolls.  But appease me for a few moments, and let me explain.

You see, when I first married, many years ago, as a young (and VERY poor graduate student), my new husband, Ken, and I lived in the university's married student housing.  The young family living across the hall from us had two small children.

My new husband, was  (if I do say so myself) quite handsome.... yes, in fact, "tall, dark and handsome" to coin a cliche.  The neighbor children were so enamored with Ken, they developed their own name for him..... "Ken, the Barbie doll"!  And I must say that he was a dashing, real life version of Barbie's infamous boyfriend, Ken.

The only problem stemmed from me, as my name didn't quite fit in.... so I became:  "Mrs. Ken, the Barbie doll".  

Fast forward to about 1991, when our firstborn, Chloe, was just being introduced to Mattel's line of Barbie dolls.  Chloe, too, was most dismayed that there was a "Ken" doll, but no "Teresa"; after all, those were her parents and why did Mattel neglect her own mother?  :)

Soon thereafter, I discovered that Mattel had actually released a "Teresa" doll, as one of Barbie's friends!!!  However, another obstacle became evident:  I couldn't find Teresa anywhere in middle Tennessee!

No problem, I thought.  Planning a trip to NYC, I was certain that I could find Barbie's companion, Teresa, there.  And thanks to the wonderfully infamous FAO Schwartz toy store on Fifth Avenue, I did finally find Teresa!

In fact, I made a point to discuss my original dilemma with the Barbie manager at FAO Schwartz.  "Why can't I find Barbie's friend, Teresa, in middle Tennessee?", I asked him.  "Well", he explained, "Teresa is Barbie's Latina friend" and she is only stocked in geographic areas with a Latina/Latino presence (and this was LONG before the entre of Hispanic immigrants into the middle Tennessee area; thus, there was no demand for Teresa here).

Then I took a long look at the myriad of different Teresa dolls available.  "Of course, I mused; no wonder all of the Teresa dolls have long, flowing, thick auburn hair!"  

So, now my Chloe's doll collection and Barbie family could be complete; she had her Teresa and Ken, despite the fact that her mom looked NOTHING like Mattel's Teresa dolls!!

So dear friends, I have selected the Teresa doll that has some resemblence to me, even if it IS JUST what she is sitting upon (notice the sewing machine, and for those of you who don't know me, I am an apparel designer)! (and yes, one might also find me wearing red, stiletto shoes!)  So many, many thanks to the folks at Mattel who, unknowingly, satisfied a young Chloe........ and her parents as well.  THANK YOU MATTEL!

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