Friday, March 12, 2010

Mother Teresa? But not nearly as Good!

Well, it seems that the most common comparison of my name is to
the beloved "Mother Teresa". For what it is worth, I must say that my
namesake was likely not the logical reason for my given name at birth.
While she had begun her benevolent work at the time of my birth,
it was not yet a world recognized effort.  It wasn't until the late 20th
century that Mother Teresa's unselfish works became recognized

It was at that time that I realized my name was more than just a
mere six letters.  The simple mention of the name "Mother Teresa"
began to conjure images thus unknown to most (at least in the
western hemisphere).  Thus, in a seemingly sudden sweep of time,
my name, Teresa, went from no recognition to immediate recognition.

While I always considered myself a very "giving" person, no acts or
words could ever come close to the many acts of charity bestowed by
the dear, beloved "Mother Teresa".  I credit the works of this wonderful
woman to bringing my name to illustrious heights of recognition.
The simple mention of her name today enlightens me and those who
are introduced to my name.

My immediate response to all.....
" Hi, my name is Teresa, just like "Mother Teresa but not nearly as good"!

This always, always brings an immediate response..... generally laughter,
as if a joke.... followed by much serious musing, because..... no matter
how much my efforts, I will NEVER come close to her accomplishments.

No, I am not Catholic, but my respect for this wonderful woman and
her many, many efforts are immeasurable.  I am truly honored to live
a life sharing the same name...... Teresa. To those who called her by
such, I thank you, for allowing me to share most humbly.

While the years may pass, and her physical presence is gone, 
her impact will never be forgotten.  Thank you, Mother Teresa, 
for you kind deeds...................................